What is this all about?

"The Watch" is a benevolence organization, chartered to help out people new to a particular server, a faction and cut off from resources, or World of Warcraft proper. The guild is mainly staffed by alternates, who perform Watch functions on a part-time basis. Missions are funded by donations from guilds and private individuals.

The Service operated on three servers (Kirin Tor, Moon Guard, and Wyrmrest Accord), until the Moon Guard Parish was placed in Inactive status in November 2009 following an bye-election and concerted harassment campaign.

These are my personal adventures.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Now you're thinking without portals!

This is stuck in my mind because, going back over the incident book from last night, I'm reminded that one of the five "hits" I attended last night, one was a kid completely new to World of Warcraft who was on a trial account. Of course, we didn't work that out until I had schleped all the way from EL to TD. It's not his fault - he's not to have known - but still....

I know why the transport portals were removed from Dalaran and Shattrath - the marketing reason, not the weasel-y "official" reason - and it's not only cheap and insulting, it makes our jobs when we're minimum crewed about 10x harder.

I book on tonight and realize after looking at all five LEASes that, *groan*, I'll be starting in Elwynn Forest again. A cursory glance at the list for EL tells me that it's mostly rerolls or off-server visitors; the lack of blatantly racist character names is a broad hint that somewhere, the battlegrounds haven't quite let out yet.

A word about what your kids are doing while they're logged in and under no one's supervision: mainly, they log in to essentially pound on people who can't fight back or are smaller than they are. When that fails, they roll characters with names like "Pimpkilla" and "Nigascantswim" on an RP server and starts screaming racist epithets. You'll be happy to know that they're honing their social skills while doing so because they always appear in groups of no less than 3, so they're learning the important skill of forming relationships based on common interests. Blizzard takes an enlightened view of this behavior and has hired at least 4 GMs to deal with this sort of thing on their 226 servers. I have outstanding tickets older than some of the offenders.

Wednesday is normally a slack day for mother's little darlings anyway, owing to the fact that it's the first day after rollover and their need for revenge against Billy in homeroom for stuffing them into a locker is being directed against an arena team or raid boss instead of (in no particular order) ethnic groups, women, anyone listening to any channel anywhere, and me.

The LEAS for EL includes a suspicious number of level 1s, which I imagine I'll find in the inn in Goldshire or arrayed around the edge of the lake; I'll have to see once I get settled in.

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